Bill & Ted’s Most Triumphant Return #1 from Boom Comics - Using Time Travel to Spread Metal! - Excalibur Comics, Cards, & Games!
BILL & TED’S MOST TRIUMPHANT RETURN #1 (of 6) Following the time-traveling historic epic of Excellent Adventure and the turbulent life and death of Bogus Journey, Bill and Ted must now fulfill their destiny as the inspiration for galactic harmony. How can someone hate the Wyld Stallyns as much as the evil Chuck De Nomolos? With the power of time travel, Bill and Ted set their sights on turning a young 27th-century Nomolos’ non-non-heinous attitude into something most outstanding and metal! Authors: Brian Lynch, Ryan North Artists: Jerry Gaylord, Ian McGinty Already have a pull list and want this new
Chris Hunter