Blood Blister #1 from Aftershock Comics
Blood Blister #1
Sin is a joke to Brandon Hull. Morality a crutch for the weak, laws mere tools to be abused. But when the corruption he scoffed at begins to manifest on his once-perfect body, Hull finds himself cast into a hidden world of unspeakable horror from which there is no escape. How can you be saved when the evil possessing you is your own soul? Opening a jarring window on to a world of horror from the writer of The Coffin, Firebreather and Deathstroke and the Eisner Award-winning artist of Ex Machina and Starman.
Writer: Phil Hester
Penciler / Cover Artist: Tony Harris
Inker: Eric Layton
Colorist: Guy Major
1/4/2017 / 32 pages / $3.99
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