JENNIFER BLOOD #1 (MR) DYNAMITE - Excalibur Comics, Cards, & Games!
JENNIFER BLOOD #1 (MR)DYNAMITE(W) Fred Van Lente (A) Vincenzo Federici (CA) Lucio ParrilloSo…once upon a time, a suburban housewife spent her nights as a mobster-murdering assassin, named JENNIFER BLOOD. Then she died…or did she? Because in the cozy cul-de-sacs of Bountiful, Utah, a noticeable number of normal people have gone missing. And by “normal,” I mean “mobsters under witness protection.” And by “missing,” I mean killed by someone that looks, sounds, and murders a lot like JENNIFER BLOOD…By FRED VAN LENTE (Wolverine) and VINCENZO FEDERICI (Red Sonja)! Already have a pull list and want this new title? Then
Mark Peck