Monster Motors: The Curse of Minivan Helsing #1 from IDW Comics - It's a Four-Wheeled Monster-Hunter! - Excalibur Comics, Cards, & Games!
Monster Motors: The Curse of Minivan Helsing #1 (of 2) Transylvania, Kentucky is being overrun by Monster Motors! Vampire cars that suck gas from their victims! Lunar-powered werewolf vehicles that grow fangs and claws when the moon is full! Someone has to keep them all in check. Enter MINIVAN HELSING: four-wheeled monster-hunter. It’s his job to hunt down the Monster Motors and bring them to justice. His new target? Genius Mechanic Vic Frankenstein and his Frankenride, a monstrous mac truck made from the parts of fallen cars and trucks! Spinning out of last year’s acclaimed one-shot! Brian Lynch (Angel: After
Chris Hunter