Randy’s Reviews – Batman and Robin #18 by Peter Tomasi and Pat Gleason

Batman and Robin #18 Review by Randy Young

Batman and Robin #18 Review

Batman and Robin #18 Review

Perfection. I could end this review with that one word. Tomasi’s Batman & Robin title has quietly been telling some of the best stories but has been lost in the shadows of Snyder’s Batman. This issue steps out of those shadows and shines.

Tomasi needed no words to tell this story. Sure, he wrote the plot and panels for Gleason to follow but it is Gleason who makes this issue. However, the letter from Damien to Bruce punches you right in the gut. Little do we get to see a son’s, this one in particular, complete and total love for his father. It only makes the events of Batman Inc. #8 that much harder to deal with.

Now on to the star of this book, Pat Gleason. Gleason shows how Bruce and Alfred are affected by the loss of a loved one. The moments in which Batman looks to his side to find that spot empty are gut wrenching. The righteous anger he feels and exacts upon those unfortunate criminals is expected. Gleason’s art captures the awesomeness of an angry father all throughout that night of patrolling the city.

I particularly like that Batman doesn’t close off his feelings and distance himself from others. This is one of the first times where I truly saw Bruce Wayne and Batman as a human and not some unstoppable force.

Whether they take and resurrect Damien next month or two years from now, it will not change that this issue was so authentic and from the heart. It will not change how important the events of this issue are in that they humanized Batman like never before. It will not change the fact that this issue was perfect.

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