Randy’s Reviews – Nova #1 (2013) by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness

Nova #1 (2013) Review by Randy Young

Nova #1 (2013) Review

Nova #1 (2013) Review

This is a book that I picked up for two reasons. The first is that it will supposedly have strong ties to the cosmic event that will happen this summer. The second is that it will have Gamora and Rocket Raccoon. The premise behind this book is that 15 year old Sam Alexander has grown up listening to his dad’s stories about adventures he had as a member of the Nova Corps. Sam doesn’t exactly get along with his dad. His dad comes across as a deadbeat and Sam gets angry at this “stories” his dad told him and now tells his younger sister. By the end of this issue, Sam might just have to start believing that his dad wasn’t just making these stories up.

I am far from a fan of Loeb or McGuinness, so far that I might say I can’t stand their work. Loeb’s stories are simple and cliché. McGuinness draws big, bulky, overly round characters. Neither are to my liking. That being said, this story is not terrible. There are some things about it that drive me crazy. Why is it that Sam’s dad was some great Nova Corps member that we’ve never heard of before? Sure he might’ve been in a secretive unit but Gamora and Rocket Raccoon know him and have never once mentioned anything to Richard Ryder or compared the two of them. I do not like when a writer creates a backstory that has holes that big. It irritates the continuity beast within me. We also get the cliché “I’m attractive but somehow I’m really not but I really am” girl that is straight out of any teen comedy/romance. Nobody believed it when they saw it in a movie, why would they believe it when they read a comic.

This is a book that will sell because of the two names attached to it. This is a book that will sell because of the importance of it to future events at Marvel. This is not a book that I’d recommend and I hate myself for saying that I’m going to pick up the second issue (damn you Loeb for using Rocket Raccoon and Gamora).

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