
Talking Comics for February 1st, 2017!
It’s another fantastic week for brand-new comics and were excited to be able to talk about all the great new stuff that’s hitting the shelf this week!
Marvel Comics is giving us a different take on Bullseye this week. That’s right, we get to take a look at what Bullseye does with his leisure time and as this series starts, it looks like he likes to just hunt down people and kill them! Taking Bullseye where we’ve never seen him go before, don’t miss out on this new story showing us what Bullseye does for fun!
For all of you Star Wars fans, there is a huge fan base that are in love with Darth Maul, and this week he gets his own five issue miniseries hell bent on revenge against the Jedi! If you are a Darth Maul fan, do not miss this new series starting this week!
And now it’s time for the team up you never thought you would see and never knew that you would actually be interested in! That’s right, were talking about Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern #1 hitting the shelf this week taking a look at the planet of the Apes and a very mysterious artifact that has showed up that Sinestro is after and the Green Lantern Corps has to stop him from getting! Also, what is the secret that The Guardians have been keeping away from the Green Lantern Corps? All of that will be answered with this series starting this week
If you’re a fan of horror comics, do not miss Blood Blister starting this week, taking a look at a man who sees morality, sin, and laws are just jokes and things to be used and abused, but all of that changes when his own corruption starts actually affecting his physical body! Not for the faint of heart, but if you’re really into horror this should be right up your alley!
Hey, do you like very, very, very cheap comics!? Then do not miss out on the Vampirella #0 or The Walking Dead #163! Why? Because both of these issues are only going to be $.25 each! That’s right, these are brand-new jumping on points for both of the series and Dynamite Comics and Image Comics wants you to get on board for the very, very, low price of only $.25 for each of these issues! Do not miss out on this chance to get a great read for a very low price!
Tons of storylines are shipping this week with one very important one affecting Batman! Bane is back after Batman and the new “I Am Bane” storyline starts this week with Batman #16! Several other storylines continued this week as well in Monsters Unleashed #2, All-New X-Men #1.MU, All-New X-Men #18, and Deadpool And Mercs For Money #8!
Don’t miss our Question of the Week as we have a very serious and frank discussion concerning Marvel Comics and the changes they need to make very soon for them to have a future in this industry!