
Talking Comics for February 22nd, 2017!
There is a brand-new Justice League of America that’s patrolling the world now, keeping it safe, and is made up of a band of the most unlikely heroes to ever be part of the Justice League team! That’s right…the new Justice lLeague of America series starts this week and we are talking about a Justice League team that actually has Lobo on it! Don’t miss out on what Batman has done to reinvent this classic superhero team and what they will be facing in this new series!
She was a major part of the second season of Daredevil and now she is back in her very own comic book series at Marvel…Elektra is back! Hiding out in neon lights and crowds of people, Elektra has settled in Las Vegas to settle some scores but a villain that she’s never faced before has showed up to make her his latest player!
Greg Rucka is back with a brand-new Image Comics series, The Old Guard, and we can’t wait to get our hands on this issue! This is the story of a group of immortal warriors set in the modern day and now they had been betrayed! This group of soldiers – who have never been afraid of dying – just may find out there are fates that are worse than death!
Tons of Marvel storylines continue this week giving us even more Monsters Unleashed, Clone Conspiracy, and Inhumans versus X-Men stories, such as IvX #5, Extraordinary X-Men #19, Amazing Spider-Man #24, Prowler #5, and Champions #1.MU!
Also don’t forget to check out some of our favorite comics that are hitting the shelf this week such as Ghost Rider #4 and Detective Comics #951!
Big, core changes are coming to Marvel Comics later this year and we want to know how you feel about that! Don’t miss our Question of the Week because we want to know how you feel about this huge change coming to Marvel Comics!