Throwaways #1 from Image Comics - What If You Discover You're An Experiment? - Excalibur Comics, Cards, & Games!
THROWAWAYS #1 THROWAWAY (n.) 1. A disposable asset, used for a single mission; 2. A disavowed assassin, meant to die alongside their target. Abby Palmer and Dean Logan are two broken people — Abby a vet with severe PTSD and Dean a burnout trying to escape the shadow of his infamous father — when they are thrust into a modern-day MK-ULTRA conspiracy… and discover they are both ULTRA’s human experiments. STORY: CAITLIN KITTREDGE ART: STEVEN SANDERS JULY 6 / 32 PAGES / FC / M / $2.99 Already have a pull list and want this new title? Then fill out
Chris Hunter