
Talking Comics for March 30th, 2016!
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This week a light week with a lot of stuff from all over the board, but we’re still diving into the best stuff for you to check out!
For all of you X-Men fans that love the 1990’s, don’t miss out on X-Men ’92 #1. Go back in time to a place where the X-Men were at their prime facing off against Omega Red and his Super Soldiers!
Lee Bermejo brings us another chapter of his post-apocalyptic Los Angeles tale of fighting with Suiciders King Of HelL.A. #1! With Allessandro Vitti taking up the art chores, this next chapter is bound to hit you with something different and brutal!
Power Lines #1 from Image Comics gives us a brand new series from Jimmie Robinson and walks a fine line with racial tension and super powers as a young black man only has powers that he can use in a ritzy, upper-class white neighborhood…that does not like him!
Can there ever be too much Godzilla? No, and IDW agrees as they release Godzilla: Oblivion #1 this week and a team of scientists dimension hop to world where monsters rule the planet!
This week, we’re also celebrating 75 years of Captain America awesomeness with a story that may very well be Steve Rogers last, and most important, mission ever! Also, enjoy more great stories in this issue by such creative talents of Joss Whedon, John Cassaday, Tim Sale, Greg Rucka, and Mike Perkins!
Several of our favorites will ship this week, like Darth Vader #18, the new Previews Catalog, Paper Girls TPB Vol. 01, and Saga #35!
Don’t miss our Question of the Week because we want to know who could ever replace the Big 3!