
Talking Comics for April 6th, 2016!
DC Rebirth Releases – http://www.excaliburccg.com/see-new-dc-books-now/
WonderCon Announcement Video – http://www.excaliburccg.com/dc-rebirth-secrets-revealed/
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This is a HUGE week of comics. I guess after last week’s weak fifth week shenanigans, the comic companies decided to drop all of the good stuff this week! And there is a LOT of great stuff that you should be checking out!
Marvel is already hitting some home runs with Poe Dameron getting his own series and the release of the new volume of The Black Panther, already selling over 300,000 copies before it hits shelves! This is great news and shows that there are a lot of people that want to see Black Panther at the top of the charts! Also, comics super star, Mark Millar, has his newest creation, Empress, shipping this week as he teams with the fantastic Stuart Immonen for a sci-fi adventure 65 million years ago!
DC is revamping the past with a new release of Bloodlines, a storyline that took place almost 25 years ago, but now they have a different take on this threat with even more horror! If horror isn’t your thing, then check out what Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad are doing with their April Fool’s Special! We knoe that Harley likes to deliver the jokes, but it looks like the joke may be on…HER! Also, Grant Morrison is giving us Wonder Woman Earth One, a hugely anticipated look at the early years and origins of Wonder Woman by one of the best writers in the business!
Fans of Teddy Roosevelt – President Roosevelt – should check out the Suicide Squad that he put together for Rough Riders, a very different take on history and if you’re a fan of great comic series like 100 Bullets and Criminal, well, the creators of The Fix apologize in advance for their new series!
Don’t miss our Question of the Week! Old things are becoming new again and we have to hear what you think about it all!