
Talking Comics for December 28th, 2016!
For all of you Supergirl fans, get ready for super coming of age story this week from DC Comics! Have you ever popped a Kryptonian zit? Yeah, it’s not as easy as it may seem, and we’ll explore all kinds of things as Supergirl learns what it means to put all of that aside to be a true super hero!
Hulk is back!! That’s right, Hulk is back and slimmer than ever! Wait…what? Oh, Jennifer Walters, a.k.a, She-Hulk, is taking over the Hulk title! She’s a changed woman since the events of Civil War #2 and struggling…really struggling…to keep…control…of things…!
G.I. Joe is back and they’re not your real American heroes anymore! No, now they’re global heroes! That’s right, the status quo has changed for the Joes as they will defend Earth and not just the U.S.A!
Some storylines conclude and others continue this week in Civil War II #8, Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2, Extraordinary X-Men #17, and Prowler #3!
Also some of our favorites ship this week and we can’t wait to get our hands on Dark Knight III The Master Race #7, All-Star Batman #5, Detective Comics #947, and Seven To Eternity #4!
Don’t miss our Question of the Week! It’s all about 2016 in hindsight and we want to know what you thought of 2016, so leave us a comment below!