
Talking Comics for October 19th, 2016!
Huge changes are happening this week from Marvel Comics if you get a chance to take a look at the brand-new issue of Infamous Iron Man! Why is this such a huge change? Because Victor Von Doom is now going to be Iron Man and he sincerely believes that he can do a much better job of being Iron Man then Tony Stark ever could! Get ready for Marvel Now to start a huge way this week!
A murder has taken place and it’s up to Deadpool, The Punisher, Squirrel Girl, and more to find out who the killer was and if they can stop the killer before they are killed! For fans of Deadpool, don’t miss out on Deadpool Too Soon starting this week!
Dynamite Comics is doing something new and fun this week with Pathfinder Worldscape #1 which will combine several of their top characters into one story! Red Sonja, John Carter of Mars, Dejah Thoris, and many more will all team up to face a world threatening event with this new miniseries!
And for all of you fans of the Hernandez Brothers, they are back this week with a brand-new Love and Rockets monthly series starting this week! If you’re fans of Love and Rockets…like Randy is…then you definitely want to get this series!
The Clone Conspiracy continues this week with The Amazing Spider-Man #20 and we also get several Civil War 2 tie-in stories such as Civil War II Kingpin #4, A-Force #10, Mockingbird #8, and Uncanny Inhumans #14!
Don’t forget our favorites that are dropping this week as well as we will be giddy as a schoolgirl to get some of our favorite comics series such as Joyride #6, Harrow County #17, Black Hammer #4, and Horizon #4!
Do not miss the Question of the Week because it is definitely a once in a lifetime event and we have to hear from you!