
Talking Comics for March 9th, 2016!
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It’s another exciting week with awesome comic books hitting the shelf and tons of new and exciting stories for us to check out.
If you’ve been a fan of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. then you will not want to miss Bobbi Morse as she does her solo series starting this week with Mockingbird #1. She’s got a specific mission in mind, but will she be able to accomplish it?
If you’re a fan of Marvel’s Infinity mythos, then you’ll definitely want to check out the Infinity Entity this week by Jim Starlin and Alan Davis. This continues from Jim Starlin’s previous graphic novel of the same and we get to find out even more of what is going on exactly with Adam Warlock.
Are you a fan of Sherlock Holmes? If you are, then you may want to check out the Baker Street Peculiars #1 this week as we get to take a different look at the entire Sherlock Holmes mythos in a different and fun light.
Also this week, we see the continuing battle between Superman and Vandal Savage’s offspring with the Savage Dawn storyline continuing in Action Comics and we get to see the Road to Civil War this week with Uncanny Avengers #7.
Tons of our favorite comics are hitting the shelf this week such as Harrow County, Spiderman and Deadpool, Jupiter’s Circle and Descender.
Don’t miss the question of the week because we want to know what you think of comic books and their media counterparts such as movies and TV shows. We really want to pick your brain about these different mediums.