Batman Incorporated #3 Postponed Due to “Grim Imagery”

For those of you that have been enjoying the new DC 52 Batman Incorporated series from Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham like I have, we’ll have to wait a bit of #3 to hit the shelves.

Due to the recent events in Aurora, Colorado and the content of the issue, DC feels it appropriate to hold the release of the book.

Batman Incorporated #3

Batman Incorporated #3

Artist Chris Burnham had this to say about it:

“Batman Inc #3 is going to be delayed a month due to some grim imagery that would seem wholly inappropriate given the Aurora killings. The book printed on time. I’m looking at a copy on my desk right now. This isn’t a scheduling excuse, we’re trying to do the right thing. It’s not just a Batman comic with guns in it. There’s a specific scene that made DC & the whole Bat-team say ‘Yikes.’ Too close for comfort.”

Though I hate waiting for it, I’m sure that it’ll be worth the wait.

[via Robot6]

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