Randy’s Reviews – Fables #127 by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham

Fables #127 Review by Randy Young

Fables #127 Review

Fables #127 Review

Fables is one of those special comics that has been trucking along for over a decade, quietly telling strong stories month after month.

One of Willingham’s strongest suits is taking one character and making an epic story about them. First was Bigby Wolf, then Boy Blue, then Flycatcher, then Rose Red, then Darien (Snow and Bigby’s son). Now it’s Snow White’s turn to take the lead.

Snow’s first and forgotten betrothed has resurfaced and claimed that her husband has no claim over her. Snow is held prisoner while King Cole and others frantically search for a way to help her. Meanwhile, Bigby is off searching for their lost children and unaware of anything that’s happening back at Fabletown. If he was, he’d move heaven and earth to save Snow.

The final page is one that you knew would happen and you can’t help but pump your fist in the air (think Bastion in The Neverending Story) and cheer.

Though there is a lot going on with Snow White does not mean Willingham is neglecting other characters. There is a secondary story about Geppetto courting someone you’d never expect. Even Geppetto doesn’t expect it.

One of the best treats about Fables is Mark Buckingham’s art. Buckingham creates characters full of flair and personality. This time is no different. His last page panel is awesome and ferocious.

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