Randy’s Reviews – Uncanny X-Men #3 by Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo

Uncanny X-Men #3 Review by Randy Young

Uncanny X-Men #3 Review

Uncanny X-Men #3 Review

Three issues into Uncanny X-Men and we are now fully entrenched in Bendis’s classic “stand around talking all issue” that he’s become so (in)famous for. The first half of it did not work for me at all while the second half did.

Cyclops and his Extinction Team are wanted criminals. Most law enforcement that I’m familiar with is not going to walk calmly up to dangerous criminals and say, “Hey, come with us criminals.” Yet that is what the Avengers do here. I understand that this was done so that Cyclops could then give his monologue about how mutants are hated and feared and he won’t stand for it any longer. That’s a concept that’s been hammered home from the first issue back in 1963 to readers, so I’m unsure why Bendis felt the need to emphasize that again. My other problem with this whole encounter is that it could’ve happened on two pages instead of more than half an issue.

The second part of this issue was more standing around talking. However, the difference was that it revealed and set up some very intriguing things. The traitor to the group makes a much unexpected move. This plotline is turning into one of the best and strongest of the series. The other thing that worked was that the “action” that took place this issue will lead to an exciting confrontation next issue.

The new characters that have been introduced to the series are fascinating and I’d love to see more focus on them. The regression of the established X-Men’s powers is another great aspect of this series. So many things show promise in this series that it’s a shame we instead have decompressed storytelling taking away from excellent opportunities to make these characters shine. Fortunately, one part of this book that is not being ignored is Cyclops’s evolution. Though Cyclops says he is following Xavier’s dream he has never been closer to emulating the villainous acts of Magneto.

I’d still recommend checking out this series, but I’d advise you to be prepared to sit through some typical Bendis storytelling that really doesn’t utilize Chris Bachalo’s art to the greatest extent.

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