[VIDEO] Mega Sale and New Comics for April 3rd, 2013!

Mega Sale and New Comics April 3rd, 2013!

Mega Sale and New Comics April 3rd, 2013!

Marvel ComicsThanos Rising #1 hits the shelves from Jason Aaron and Simone Bianchi. Age of Ultron #4 continues the saga and shows us a few deaths and only leaves us with more questions. Superior Spider-Man #7 faces iff against Cardiac and The Avengers! The big reveal of who will be the definitive Superior Spider-Man is just around the corner!

DC ComicsDetective Comics #19 celebrates 900 issues of Detective Comics with a huge 80 page Giant issue for $7.99 with several stories that will affect the Batman Family! Also, DC’s “WTF” covers starts hitting shelves this week – be sure to check them out!

Valiant ComicsHarbinger Wars #1 starts the epic Valiant Universe saga that will also spill over into Bloodshot for the next few months! Don’t miss this 12 issue maxiseries!

Dynamite ComicsMiss Fury #1 sees the return of the Golden Age heroine, but is her war over or is WW2 still going on in 2013?

MEGA SALE!! Get 10-75% off of EVERYTHING in the store starting Thursday, April 4th through April 7th! Get some back issues, trades, cards, and more for hugely discounted prices this weekend! Tell a friend!


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