[VIDEO+MP3] Talking Comics for 01.27.16 – Old Man Logan #1, Cry Havoc #1, SS Deadshot Katana #1 & More!


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It’s a brand new week and there are tons of exciting comics hitting the shelf, but be prepared for possible delays due to the weather that is crossing over the northern parts of the USA. There are blizzard warnings in many parts of the country at this time and this type of weather will also affect the shipping schedules for Diamond Comics, so your local comic shop may be receiving their shipment a day late due to the weather. Just bear that in mind when picking up your comics this week.

One of the most exciting books hitting the shelf this week is Old Man Logan #1 from Marvel Comics. Not only has Logan, at this point in his life, endured tremendous atrocities, but now he’s been given a second chance. Will he be able to change his future? We get to find out with the start of the series by the fantastic creative team of Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino, and we can’t wait to get this in our hands.

DC Comics is going to be cashing in early on that Suicide Squad movie money this week as they release the extra-sized miniseries called Suicide Squad Most Wanted Deadshot Katana #1. Each book will have one story featuring Deadshot and one story featuring Katana in each issue. Find out what’s going on with these two characters before the movie hits!

Another very interesting series that starts this week from IDW Comics is Victorie City. If you like dark crime stories very similar to popular crime movies like Se7en, then you will want to check out this series.

Tons of our favorite comics hit the shelf this week as well as we dive into DC Comics Art Ops, Image Comics Black Magic, Marvel Comics Spider-Woman, Image Comics East of West, Saga, and Southern Bastards as well.

Don’t miss our controversial question of the week as we talk about Deadpool and how he should be presented in theaters!


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